Diana Matos

graus académicos

2020 – 2024 – PhD in Biology in the University of Aveiro entitled: “MaISResist – Protecting MAize from cephalosporiosis: bacteria Induced Systemic RESISTance”

2017 – 2019 – Master in Toxicology and ecotoxicology in the University of Aveiro with a thesis entitled: “Shedding light on the effect of saturated aldehydes and alcohols in Rhizobium cells challenged by cadmium: growth and biochemistry”

2012 – 2017 – Degree in Biology in the University of Aveiro with a research project entitled: “Toxin-producer coastal plankton: The pseudo-nitzschia case study” and a final project entitled: “Biochemical and metabolomic evaluation of arsenic effect on the freshwater diatom Nitzschia palea (Kutzing) W. Smith”

interesses de investigação

Biochemistry and metabolomics of organisms under stress
Rhizobacterias: plant growth promotion and plant protection
Volatile organic compounds: influence on bacteria, fungi and plants
Plant bacteria interactions: volatile communication and bacterial VOCs infleunce on growth, tolerance and resistance
Pant-fungi interactions: pathogenicity, influence on groth and resistance
Fungi-bacteria interactions: influence on growth inhibition and resistance

Programa Doutoral


Título da Tese

MaISResist - Protecting MAize from cephalosporiosis: bacteria Induced Systemic RESISTance


Prof. Etelvina Figueira, Dra. Leire Molinero, Dr. Paulo Cardoso
