Maria Eduarda B. H. Santos

graus académicos

PhD in Chemistry, speciality Anlytical Chemistry, University of Aveiro, 1995

interesses de investigação

Analytical and environmental chemistry.

Environmental Photochemistry:
• Solar and visible-light based photocatalytic processes for water and indoor air treatment
• Solar photodegradation of trace organic contaminants (pharmaceuticals, pesticides) in waters
• Identification and characterization of photoproducts and intermediates
• Phototransformations of dissolved organic matter (humic matter) and the carbon cycle

Humic matter and its role on the fate of contaminants in water and soil


Master: Inês Duarte Queijo
Master: Marta Cecília Carvalho Martins
Master: André Cruz
Master: Maria José Rangel E Osório Valdoleiros
Master: Nuno Miguel Carriça Mota
PhD: Joana Ferreira Leal
PhD: Olga Manuela Simão Filipe
Master: Elsa Gonçalves
Master: Cândida Adelaide De Sousa Lima Nogueira
Master: Sandra Isabel Marques De Carvalho
Master: Ana Catarina Carvalho Da Rocha
Master: Carina Andreia Esteves Da Costa
Master: Isabela João Guedes Guilherme
Master: Bruna Martins Gonçalves
PhD: Ana Maria Jesus Câmara Leme Mendonça