Jacinta M M Oliveira

gabinete/office 1.1.46 | telef. gabinete/office phone 234 370 318 | 22781 | telemóvel/mobile phone 961 974 145

graus académicos

PhD in Biology, by the University of Aveiro, Portugal in May 2012.

Degree in Biology (5 years), by the University of Aveiro, Portugal in May 2005.

interesses de investigação

-Effects of contaminants/stressors on bacterial communities - assessing potential toxicity.

-Cultivation and study/optimization of nutrition in captivity of Anguilla anguilla as a surrogate to high-risk protection/species diverse production.

-Microbiological quality of species used in aquaculture - relevance to public health and food safety.



Pesquisa: Daniel Alexandre Félix Bruno
Master: Sara Peixoto